Monday, May 17, 2010

Easiest way to teach an Asian Vine Snake to eat pinky mice?

Does anyone know what the easiest way to get an Asian Vine snake to eat a pinky mouse instead of a house ghecko or small anole? It's much cheaper to buy pinkies instaed of anoles!

Easiest way to teach an Asian Vine Snake to eat pinky mice?
That's a tough interesting question. As a professional, I recommend, keeping a few house geckos in an aquarium about 30-40 breeder reptile size. Not sure if you are aware that house geckos don't necessarily have to have a mate to reproduce. We have them reproducing in our pet shop frequently but not many survive because there's not enough mini bug life available for them. You could get past that by growing flightless fruit fly cultures for the babies.

One other suggestion, besides keeping a few house geckos alive, purchase the live or frozen mice and then rub them on the house geckos so they get the gecko scent on them. This has worked for a few of our customers who own king snakes that are fussy eaters.

The Asian Vine is well known as being a picky eater in captivity.

Did you know what you were getting into when purchasing this snake, since it is venomous and not for beginners?

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