Friday, May 21, 2010

Can a Christian, in the parable of the Vine become dormant?

okay.. i rescently taught a study to young s about being attatched to christ.(The vine) in order toproduce spiritual fruit... after i completed the lesson, an asked me if it was possible for christians to become domant, and stop producing for a short time... I thought at first that the answer would be yes, but they would still be cut of, and as said later in the new testiment, they would come through the fire, but come through as having been through fire... so yeah i was just curious what other people had to say about it.....

Can a Christian, in the parable of the Vine become dormant?
if a formerly producing branch becomes *dormant*, it is pruned by the gardener (God) so that it starts producing again.

so as long as the branch remains on the true vine, it will be tended so that it always produces much fruit!
Reply:I think I read in the new testament, Jesus is the vine and caretaker thereof. A wild grape can be grafted onto the vine, but can be chopped back off if it does not bear fruit.

In the old testament there is a tree, and the leaf on the branch near the top says, look at me, I am higher up and more Superior than the lower leaves on the tree, but in the fall, the leaves will wither and die, every one, while the tree remains.

My own words.
Reply:Uhhh....okay....a vine in my garden that is cut off and then burned with fire doesn't usually make it. Does that help?
Reply:yes a person can become spiritually dormant for a while. they are not cut off right away 2 PE. 3:9 patience. there is also an illustration of a vine grower and a fig tree that doesn't produce the grower asks the owner to let him work on the tree for a few years then if it doesn't produce he will cut it down . sorry i can't remember the scripture.
Reply:Yes it is possible for a chirstian to become domant. You need day to day prayer to make a fire.

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