Monday, November 16, 2009

Help!!! My grape vine is dying!!?

I bought my grape vine in early spring, potted it in a large planter, used organic soil, and got an all-purpose plant food for it. I live in Mass. so I never planted it outside so it could continue to grow. Once I brought it in my house, things started to go down hill. Leaves went yellow though I knew it wasn't being under or over watered, then they all fell off. I tried club soda, epsom salt, and it's still suffering! What do I do now?? It's starting to die completely, and I was really proud of it, too! HELP!!!

Help!!! My grape vine is dying!!?
Grape vines need to go through cycles of dormancy. You'd probably be better off placing it out doors in a sheltered spot or an unheated garage. Anywhere where you're confident the roots won't freeze.
Reply:Grape vines are deciduous. All the leaves fall off in winter wherever you have it. Leave it alone in a cool but not too cold place, then bring it into a warmer but not hot place in spring and start to water again. They are very late to leaf up, long after most plants, so have patience. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just doing what it does.
Reply:about sun light. most grape leaves need full sun.. they need a cold part too. so put out side for a month or two and bring back in.

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