Saturday, November 14, 2009

If you cut a pumpkin off the vine when its green, will it turn orange?

i have a few pumpkins on our vines, and I'm afraid they won't be ready in time for Halloween! they are green right now, with just a subtle hint of orange, but the vine is diseased and dying quickly. I want to salvage the pumpkins before the vines die off and kill off the pumpkins. Can i cut them off now, and still turn orange?

If you cut a pumpkin off the vine when its green, will it turn orange?
Yes, and best left indoors in a cool dry area.
Reply:Well, you didn't specify where you live.....I am in northern wisconsin and we plucked our punkins about 3 weeks ago when they gave the frost warning on the news! We left them in the garage the one night and after that set them out on a picnic table...they were mostly orange but with some green and they did turn all orange...the 3 we left in the garden were completely green yet ...they did not get harmed by the frost that one night and we just plucked them the other day and they are all orange now. I hope this helps!
Reply:I believe the pumpkin turning orange is just the ripening of the fruit (yes it is a fruit). This is must like all the fruits that we eat at home (bananas, apples, etc) that are picked ahead of schedule and they ripen on the truck, in the supermarket and at your house until they are ready to consume.

So in response to your question, yes the pumpkin will turn orange on its own just as other fruit ripens.
Reply:Yes you can. It may take awhile to turn colors, but they should be nice and orange for Halloween!

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