Friday, November 18, 2011

Asian vine snake?

yeah i j got an asian vine snake some time ago, and now there are these two lumps on it is it pregnant or is something wrong with it, oh and it is still shedding properly.

Asian vine snake?
If the lumps are on the stomach it can have diarrhea or be constipated , but if it on it's back where the spine is, they could have a spinal problem. But those are only possibilities. Your should take it to the vet cause either way that can't be very good.
Reply:a gravid snake would have one huge lump not two... so I have no idea what it is. I would suggest you go to a vet and get and x-ray. It might be food though if you just fed it.
Reply:it could be pregnant or it has tumors take it to a vet

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